Where is Sandford Park?
In Cheltenham : GL53 7HX The music event will take place in the eastern section of the two parks.  This part of Sandford Park lies between College Rd and Keynsham Rd next door to the Sandford Lido.   

Where can I Park?
There is limited free parking in College Road on a Sunday. There is also paid Parking in Bath Street carpark and paid parking in the LIDO carpark off Keynsham Road. (Beware the cameras!)

What buses go near Sandford Park?
The 801, B and the S2

What is the MUSIC Programme?
11.30 - 12.30         The Accidental Brass Collective  www.accidentalbrass.wordpress.com
12.30 - 1.30 The Silver Sambistas                   www.olasamba.co.uk       
1.30  -  2.30 The Accidental Brass Collective 

Can I bring a chair?
Yes, Please fee free to bring your own deck chairs and blankets to sit on. No extra seating will be provided.

Can I bring a bottle?
Plastic or metal drinking bottles are fine but to keep the park safe for children and animals, it is best not to bring any glass bottles to the park.  A bar serving beer, wine, Pimms and soft drinks will be available.

Can I bring my own picnic?
Yes of course and there will a variety of hot and cold food available including vegetarian and gluten free. Homemade cakes and coffee too!

Where do I go for First Aid?
The first aider will be situated near the children’s playground. If someone has a serious problem we will call for an ambulance. Cheltenham Hospital is only 10-15 mins walk from the park and their A&E is generally open on Sundays.

Where can Lost Children go?
Tell your children, if they get lost to go to see the First Aider near the Playground

Can I bring my dog?
Dogs are welcome but please keep your dogs on a lead at all times during the event - there are picnics and food around!. BUT we hope to have some doggie ice cream available so they can have a lick of that!

Will you accept card payments?
Although, most stall holders and food vendors will have facilities to pay by card, others may not so it would be great if you can bring cash and loose change. If you need extra cash, there are cash dispensers in the high street nearby.

How green will you be at this event?
Managing rubbish
We want to try and minimise waste and recycle as much as possible, there will be bins labeled for food, tins, paper, and plastic. Please separate your rubbish!
We will also supply compostable plastic glasses.  Feel free to bring your own plastic cups or drinking bottles.

Energy use

We are trying to minimise the use of energy in the park so there will not be amplification for the music - actually they don’t really need it.

Will there be free water available?
Bottled tap water will be available to pour into your receptacle

What activities are there for children?
The Fire brigade plan to bring a Fire Engine which people can climb into and explore - as long as it is not required elsewhere!
There will be fun races for children like egg & spoon races.
The Scouts are coming with lots of fun activities, roasting marshmallows, climbing bridge and carving etc

What about the weather?
If its due to be stormy with strong rain, unfortunately we shall have to cancel the event.
If its uncertain weather, we will still be there and have a number of gazebos available
If it’s a heatwave, we shall have areas of shade under trees and gazebos and extra water for people to cool themselves with.
Hopefully, it will just be a lovely day.

What classic cars will be on show?
About 20 cars will be in the Park including:
1975 MGGT,  1934 Ford Y,  1964 Morris Minor,  1971 Vauxhall Viscount, 1958 Austin A35,  1963 Daimler SP250 ‘Dart’ , 1988 Rolls Royce Silver Spirit

What are the four charities being supported by the Mayor’s Charity Appeal this year?
Aim Up - supporting people with mental and physical disabilities
CWR - Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees
CCP - Caring for Communities and People through helping with homelessness and poverty
FOSP - Friends of Sandford Parks

How can I make a donation to the Mayor’s Charity Appeal?
There will be collection buckets in the park for cash and card readers for payments by card.
If you would like to donate now please do so by using the QR code that will take you to the donation page.